What's new in v5.3.12 (since 5.2.15) ==================================== NEW FEATURES - When importing, the Import Options window has been redesigned to better link fields to data to be imported. Also, you can specify default values in case certain records in the import file do not have data for a required field. - In the Import Pro Tools session text file feature, you can now assign default values if they are not imported from the file. - Added ability to import takes (and their corresponding media files) by importing a Pro Tools session. A take equals a clip region on a track. Media files are inspected and grouped together if they have the same base name (not counting suffix), media attributes, and are located in the same folder. - Added support for MXF and interleaved sound files - Added keyboard shortcuts: Modify Cue window (option-enter for "Modify and Next", cmd-left-arrow for "Prev", cmd-right-arrow for "Next") Change Event List window (option-v for "Perform", shift-option-v for "Perform net change", option-x for "Skip") - In the Import Options dialog when importing a Pro Tools session: the import reel is automatically set by comparing the timecode of the session you are importing to the FFOS of the reels in the current reel set. If no reel matches the session timecode, the first reel in the set is selected. If the reel start and the session start do not match, a warning appears let you know. You can still change the import reel. - In the Import Options dialog when importing a Pro Tools session: The Preview tab now shows what clips will be imported, according to the tracks checked in the Fields tab and the options checked in the Options tab. - Added "Rescan file system" in Manage menu of Take List window - Added audition strip at bottom of Take List window - In Modify Selected Cues window, added another field "Move times by". This allows you to move the selected cues by the amount entered, without having to use a change list. Note: No error checking is done to prevent the moved cues from having invalid start or end times (i.e. beyond the limits of the reel). - When importing a Pro Tools session or session text file to the ADR Cue List window, the delimiters for the "priority" field "<>" have been removed. The new default delimiters for "priority" are "**". The reason for this is to prepare for a future feature that will allow HTML-style tags to be embedded within fields. - In the Change List window, new icons show the start and end of a net performed selection of change events. - Importing PT session text file: Fade ins and outs are now considered part of the clip (the clip is extended). A crossfade between two clips will be handled as a fade out of the first clip to the midpoint of the crossfade, and a fade in at the midpoint of the crossfade for the second clip. - Now allowing the New/Mod Cue/Scene dialogs to be open during conforming - If you mistakenly marked the last action(s) in a change list as "skipped", now you can go back and perform them. BUGS FIXED - Fixed problem importing the metadata of a WAVE file, in certain circumstances. - Fixed minor graphical error in Import PT Session dialog: delimiters column did not always show delimiters properly. - When importing clips from a PT session text file, if the last selected track had no clips, the previous selected track's clips would get duplicated into the last track. This has been fixed. - In the Character field in the New/Modify Cue window, if you enter some letters and then delete all of them, then tab to another field, a dialog appears asking you if you want to create a character named "". This no longer happens. - Fixed problem with importing Pro Tools session text file: error occurred if Clip List section was present but empty. - Allowing higher values for all time fields. Previously, if a time value exceeded a certain number of digits, the field would display "<<<<<<<". Now it displays the number no matter how high it is. - When importing a Pro Tools session text file, if there were multiple region groups on the same track with the same name, the imported cues would have incorrect dialogue. This is now fixed. - Changed some New Cue window keyboard shortcuts and save buttons: The "OK" button, instead of the "OK & Next" button, is now the default button that will trigger if you hit the Enter key. It is now the blue button. The "OK & Next" button, which is now grey, can be triggered by hitting option-Enter. This is more in keeping with Apple user interface guidelines. - Changed the Modify Cue window keyboard shortcuts: Instead of option-Return being the shortcut for the "Modify & Next" button, option-Enter is now the shortcut. This is more in keeping with Apple user interface guidelines. - Updated the online documentation - Fixed bugs in the "Import via folder scan" routines - Fixed bug that caused an error message ("A SuperReport Pro error occured...") to display after printing a report - Fixed and signed the "Set start end times" applescript so it works in Yosemite - Fixed problem with checking website for updates - Able to export IO template now - Able to import scenes from a Pro Tools session text file now - Fixed errors that would sometimes happen if you were connected to Pro Tools via MIDI, the Transport Control window was visible, and you created a new reel dupe. - Fixed some graphical inconsistencies in the Transport Control window - Fixed a bug that prevented you from importing scenes from a tab-delimited text file. - When adding new cue, making a more thorough check to see if the name is already in use by another cue. - When renaming a cue, a particular situation would cause the program to hang (unselected, named cues are named out of order). This has been fixed. - When inserting a trim bin back into a dupe, the inserted scenes' reel numbers were not updated. This has been fixed. - Importing PT session text file: If you do not export the File List or the Clip List from Pro Tools, errors would prevent the file from being imported into ADR Manager. - Importing PT session: Change order of importing in the Fields tab gets reflected in the Defaults tab - Importing PT session: Save default values even if they are not active (checked) in the Defaults tab - Now allowing reel numbers to go up to 9999. The maximum used to be 99. - In line count table reports, you can now modify the report to display the version of each reel in the columns headers. Duplicate the form object as4_ReelNumbers and rename it as8_ReelVersions. Move form objects around so you can fit the new object directly under as4_ReelNumbers. - Importing media files during importing takes: handling the case when you do not choose to import all media files in the session. - Improved parsing of sound file data - After clicking "OK and Next" in the New Change Event window, if you tried to modify the newly added change event by double-clicking on it in the Change Event List window, an error would appear saying the record was locked. This has been fixed. - An error would prevent you from importing an Avid change list that did not contain a "Clip Name" column. This error has been removed. - Made sure when exporting records that they are sorted in the same order they appear in the list window - After performing an "insert held region" change event, the trim bin segment dupe was not deleted. Now it is. - Progress windows more accurately represent the real-time progress of a task - Create a new database, add some reels, make a New Cue. In the New Cue window, cannot choose any reel besides WILD. This has been fixed. - In the Change List window, the progress window stays open when performing multiple events, instead of flashing on and off. - If you used an "ampersand", "greater than", or "less than" character ( & < > ) in a text field, the field would not be saved, imported or searchable. This has been fixed. - Fixed errors when changing the alternate FFOS of a reel (scenes' alt FFOA times were not updated) - Fixed errors when changing the alternate FFOS of a reel. - Fixed bug that set the ancestor cue ID for a cue record incorrectly. Added another diagnostics test that would find and correct any cue lineage problems. - Improved handling of default values when importing. You can now import records with little to no fields at all, assigning default values for missing required fields. - Improved error handling in the "Set start end time" applescript - When performing arithmetic with time values embedded in text, negative time values were mistakenly used as positive time values. This has been fixed. - Setting the start and end times in a New/Modify window using an AppleScript would corrupt some internal time fields for the record. The corruption would not become apparent until you changed time formats (start and end values would be reset to the reel FFOA). This has been fixed. - After importing an Avid change list, the last event in the list could not be modified unless you closed the Change List window and opened it again. This has been fixed. - Attempted to sign the application and the installer so that Gatekeeper won't complain when installing and running ADR Manager. - Disallowing the ability to include "delete and hold" and "insert held" events within a net change event. - Fixed Spot to Pro Tools - Fixed a bug that could cause the error "Could not save new the Scene record because it is locked" when trying to perform a change event. - IO templates did not save all options. Now they do. You cannot load an IO template that was saved for a different import/export type (i.e. you cannot load a "import tab delimited" template when importing an XML file).